
Top benefits of going green

By MarshaShari

Green vegetables are very rich in minerals and top benefits. Leafy greens are important for health and diets, packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Chard, kale, spinach, and arugula are undeniably the superstars of the pack. Low in calories high in disease prevention. Always try to eat more green foods.

A great way to start simple with eating more greens is by focusing on these 3 very healthy, delicious, and simple foods.

Green Apples

green apples

Green apples are strong in antioxidants and protects the body from environmental pollution. And green apples contain vitamins A, B, C and E. Green apples improve your health and maintain low blood sugar. Green apples improve your skin condition and help maintain healthy teeth.



Another simple delicious green vegetables are cucumbers. Cucumbers are super healthy and filled with nutrients, made mostly with water and filled with vitamins B12,B6, vitamins And D and iron.
Its improve health by rehydrating the body and aid in weight loss due to being water based. Cucumbers are a fruit should be washed and eaten with the skin on. Cucumbers can effect your physical performance and metabolism.


top benefits of going green

Another delicious, simple green is kale. Kale is a super food.
Kale is a leafy green vegetable that holds the highest nutritional value. There are not many other vegetables that have more nutrients than kale. Kale boosts the immune system and is good for weight loss. Kale is an antioxidant. It is an aid against anti inflammatory diseases. Kale is packed with Omega-3 and is anti-aging. It fights heart disease. Kale combats cancer. Kale protects the eyes.

As you see, with only 3 super foods you can change your life and diet significantly. Always choose kale, cucumbers and green apples for longevity and to help your organs process waste to have a more balanced diet. Starting with these simple steps will aid you in the risk of heart disease, obesity and mental decline.

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