
An encyclopedia on Homeschooling, let us have an intense look

By MarshaShari

An encyclopedia on Homeschooling, let us  have an intense look

Historical Background:

The homeschool concept was given by John Holt about 50 years ago i.e. in the year 1970.  John Holt was an educational theorist who had been striving hard for school reforms. He was of the view that formal schooling is nothing, but makes the children repeat their lessons just to learn by heart without understanding what they have been learning.

Prospective of the Homeschool:

Not only the U. S., but also other countries of the world prefers opt homeschool rather than the formal schools (public or private). The trend of homeschooling has increased tremendously since the coronavirus pandemic. However, it is the need of the hour that the parents must educate their children through homeschooling instead of sending them to the formal schools. Therefore, both the parents and the children should be at the same synergy to use this platform in a befitting manner.

As the name indicates, homeschooling is a social reform or development at a worldwide level wherein the parents educate their children at home and don’t send them to the traditional schools for the purpose.

The circumstances establish the fact that the trend of homeschooling will develop more rapidly due to the following reasons:

  • That the parents are not much satisfied with the education at formal schools
  • That the kids may have a confrontation of religious, regional, families or other similar values
  • That the difference of the age groups & the mental approaches
  • That presently more than 2 million children are getting education through homeschooling and no doubt the number of beneficiaries is increasing.
  • That homeschooling is not an illegal activity, but it’s legal in all of the 50 states in the U.S. besides many other countries in the world.

What Do You Need for Homeschooling of Your Children?

Like other businesses, homeschooling has some legal requirements in the U.S. However, it may differ from one state to the other as some have more requirements while the others have no or fewer. However, you must go through the legal guidelines before getting started to avoid any legal complications. Holt (author of the best-selling book) “Teach Your Own” says that the parents need to homeschool their children to enjoy their physical presence all the time, see their wise & foolish movements, stay well informed about their health & education. There is no hard and fast rule to start homeschooling, however, the parents willing to homeschooling their kids just need their firm determination and dedicated services to educate them.

An encyclopedia on Homeschooling, let us  have an intense look

How to Get Started?

To start with homeschooling, the parents do not need any education degree; even those who have never attended any traditional school, but have his/ her young children may start the homeschool. It is very simple for the parents to start homeschool for a young child who has reached the school-age (usually 5/ 6 years), but he/ she had never been to a formal school. But on the other hand, it is a little different when your child is already a school going. If so, even then don’t worry, inform the school principal or local superintendent in writing about your decision stating that you intend to take away your child from the school to continue his/her education at homeschool.  The school will, however, notify you in writing and you will continue to follow their district’s specific guidelines.

How to Make a Homeschool Schedule?

Homeschool’s schedule is very important like in the traditional school, but here the parents have the advantage of flexible hours. The parents may fix the days and hours as best suit them and the children. It has been noticed that certain homeschools start early in the morning like the traditional schools, but others follow their schedule. The experience shows that the parents should keep the child’s choice in mind to get good results.

A homeschooling family’s idea of education will much influence the structure of their days. We are usually familiar with one style of education only, called —the traditional system of textbooks, desks in rows, and standardized testing, etc. These methods include the following:

  • Waldorf
  • Interest-led learning
  • Charlotte Mason
  • Leadership education
  • Montessori
  • Unit study
  • Classical

On the contrary, the homeschoolers enjoy the freedom of blending ideas keeping in view the children’s needs. The homeschools don’t even follow the public school calendar year rather they have the freedom to have their school year or may follow the school calendar. 

An encyclopedia on Homeschooling, let us  have an intense look

Curriculum Planning:

Since the homeschoolers have been increasing rapidly and as such the rapid increase has necessitated the availability of a variety of curricula & the resources. Catalogs showing several options based on different educational requirements, learning approaches, the time duration; a homeschool teacher intends to devote every day and alike.

Usually, the subjects which are taught include the standard disciplines as followed in a formal school program based on the child’s interest. Ken Robinson has written in his best-selling book “The Element” that “the key to [educational] transformation is not to standardize education, but to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions.” Therefore, it is learned that the homeschooling feeling is a source of natural setting enabling the parents to deliver a specific method of instruction that does not only suits the child’s interests but also the ability and the way of learning.

Homeschooling also provides an equal opportunity to the kids for entertainment even during the coronavirus pandemic days keeping the social distancing. The physical activity of the homeschooled children is not compromised.

The vision of homeschooling is bright; let’s hope for the best as the future is ours!

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