Tips To Encourage Emotional Health While We Homeschool During Covid-19

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By MarshaShari

Homeschooling during covid-19


Emotional intelligence

As  parents and educators we must acknowledge when learning is difficult and offer encouragement and  emotional well-being. Some may call it emotional intelligence or social competence. Emotional health is more than just the absence of mental illness. Mental health is a state of being. It’s our energy, our confidence, enjoyment, calm attitude, and caring all in one person.

For many people this holiday season will look different this year. Things like travelling and gathering in large groups will not be possible.  Especially,some Of our children may have even lost a relative or loved ones.  Some parents have lost their job and are dealing with financial stress.

Positive emotions

Tips To Encourage Emotional Health   While We Homeschool During Covid-19

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A sudden or extreme shift in tradition can have  our families feeling loss and disappointment. Change can be difficult especially when our children didn’t ask for it,  or expect it. Moreover, Emotional health and well-being is a positive term. Positive emotions help influence our children’s readiness to learn. Positive emotions also play a critical role in the way information is received by our children.  By modelling good behaviour. Such as tolerance, self awareness and respect in everyday interaction while we are surviving COVID-19, our children will also reinforce these positive behaviours. 

Our children have plenty of ways to cope with tough feelings and still enjoy this holiday season. Especially, our children take some time right now to sort through their emotions in whatever way is productive for them.

 A few things parents can do

  • Develop ground rules while  at home.
  • Particularly, teach breathing, relaxation, anxiety management. 
  • Remind our children of qualities that they can draw on from the previous success.
  • Especially, stick to a structured week and daily routine at home. 
  • Particularly, teach strategies for calming down and problem solve.
  • Maintain the same homeschool schedule all year.
  • Find creative ways to adapt. 
  • Practice gratitude.

Skills of healthy students are to strive for

homeschool kids

  • Being an effective and successful learner. 
  • Working and playing cooperatively. 
  • Particularly, being able to solve problems with others  alone . 
  • Managing strong feelings such as anger, anxiety, and frustration.
  • Competing fairly.
  • Losing with dignity and respect for others. 
  • Especially ,maintaining and sustaining successful friendships. 
  • Think before you act.


Particularly, I made this post because of the importance of our children’s emotional health and well-being. During this very frustrating and overwhelming season. Particularly, if we continuously promote positive emotional health and behaviour. Especially, our lives will be better. Promoting positive healthy lifestyles. Benefits homeschool by our children being happier, feeling motivated, improving behaviour also meets ethical standards. Moreover, emotional health and well-being raise standards. Improve engagement and reduce mental health problems. If you notice any risk behaviour model the correct ways to behave immediately.

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