5 Ways to tackle Mental Stress, Phobia & Fear

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By MarshaShari

5 Ways to tackle Mental Stress, Phobia & Fear


Coronavirus anxiety is a state of mind or mental reaction of the human beings after the world-wide wave of coronavirus. However, to grasp the concept of the term, better to be well conversant with the word Anxiety as the same had been known even before the corona pandemic(COVID-19). Anxiety is the feedback of a recognised, known or identified menace/ hazard. It is also known as panic attack which has intense & severe symptoms. Anxiety and stress is a twin problem as it affects the physical and mental health of a victim.

The COVID-19 has not only changed the normal lifestyle of everyone living anywhere in the world, but it has also taken a heavy toll in the shape of mental stress & anxiety. It was a Saturday evening when a ripe age person of 70 years old took a deep sigh (standing in a crowed) to express his concern that he has never experienced such unbelievable things before like wearing face masks all the times, use of the hand sensitizers & washing hands frequently, social distancing, the lock-down of markets, schools and air-planes, etc.

Since the coronavirus has had affected the mental health of everyone adversely regardless of region, country, colour, creed, race, or financial or official status. Therefore, most of us have been staying at homes for a considerable time. It is natural that when any one of us is socially cut off & isolated, the chances of mental health collapse increase manifold. However, don’t worry, stay with us to know how to avoid being panic, nervous, or anxious during corona or any other pandemic spread and go through the following valuable tips:

1)Don’t be so Curious about the News

5 Ways to tackle Mental Stress, Phobia & Fear

No doubt, you must be snooping around to stay updated about the coronavirus spread all over the world, especially in your country. But keep in mind that the news information may upset you as electronic, print, and social media mostly give misleading information just to draw the public full attention. ย Better you should watch T.V.ย  & read newspapers just to the extent of watching or reading, but don’t let such news draw on your nerves. However, following are the authentic sources to stay updated:

  • The CDC (An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).
  • The WHO(The World Health Organisation)
  • The Local Public Authorities

You should not watch the news all the time, but only on a need basis. Consequent upon watching the news on coronavirus, you may feel nervous. And switch off the T.V. immediately or put the newspaper side (whatever the case may be) and divert your attention towards a pleasant activity to avoid worsening the situation.

2) Try to Handle the Things Tactfully:

manage work

Another important tip is handling the things tactfully as far as possible. There is no denying the fact that every one of us has been compressed badly since after the corona pandemic, but still an exchange of the nice words can save us from feeling tired, being anxious, and overwhelmed, therefore, behave others nicely. However, if you think that your heart is sinking due to some unfavourable circumstances, divert your attention instantly to reduce your anxiety & stress to the great extent besides the following precautionary measures:ย 

  • Wash your hands with plenty of water by using the quality of soap for an extended time (minimum of 20 minutes) to kill the virus.
  • If you are travelling or at a such place where a hand washing facility is not possible then sanitize your hands well with a quality of hand sanitizer, the contents of which must have at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid your facial contact, especially ears, nose, eyes(forehead)
  • Don’t ย indulge in social activities, especially avoid attending parties/ functions, marriage ceremonies and other public meetings
  • Spend your maximum time at home, instead of roaming in the shopping malls
  • Observe the recommended distance between you and others strictly( i.e. 6 feet)
  • Have a sound sleep to avoid unnecessary tiredness

3)Way Forward:

5 Ways to tackle Mental Stress, Phobia & Fear

The coronavirus has changed the normal life of every person whether he/ she is an employee, employer, household, student, young or old whatever. Several quarantine centres are full of patients which of course makes you nervous. You can mitigate your worries about the school going kids by joining home schools. Unfortunately, if you have lost your job, try to find some piecemeal work online/ offline to run the kitchen. Similarly, the employers may also plan the best ways to survive even in such a crisis. You can’t 100% fix the things right unless the disaster goes away completely, but streamline the things in such a way that help spend the normal life.

4) Stay ย Socially Connected

Socially Connected

Naturally, human beings should have strong social connections with their families, friends, and general public. You must have noticed that young guys & girls seem demoralised since after the corona pandemic, just due to social distancing and same the case is with others. However, it is urged to stay socially connected through different media of communication such as cell phone, Facebook, email & messenger, etc. to exchange your feelings with each other. Social lifestyle will keep you healthy & cheerful, but don’t forget the devised protocols or the safety measures. Avoid being emotional rather try to help others and remain busy in social activities.

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There are certain other tips helpful in releasing mental & physical stress such as:

  • Health & Wellness: Eat healthy foods, adhere to the normal sleeping hours, do your regulars tasks like study, office work, & walk to avoid getting abnormal. Don’t think negative all the times as worries would suck your abilities as it is said worry, doubt, fear, and despair are the enemies which slowly bring us down to the ground. Try to manage your mood, spend most of your time with family. Sit in the open area of the house like a garden to intake fresh air.

  • Indulge in ย Personal Activities: WHO recommends the activity as 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity/ week, OR a combination of both. Cycling, hiking, walking is good for fitness. And read books of your taste, play a video game, watch T.V. programs, and do something else to keep you relaxed. ย 

  • Don’ts: Self-medication and Use of Alcohol & alike In nutshell, don’t scare of the menace at all, but heed to the Sops on the subject which is the best crusade against the corona pandemic.ย ย 

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