Multiple Sclerosis

How To Manage Multiple Sclerosis in Your Daily Life -Simple Tips to Help you Succeed with MS

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By MarshaShari

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

It is a part of you but doesn’t define You. Do You ever feel impaired vision, difficulty in balance, loss control of body part to hold something or difficulty in walking or met with a person having these issues? Hold on, these may be a sign of having a disease which is called Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

People who are facing Multiple Sclerosis, they feel sorry for not responding to text messages promptly, for canceling plans, for being selfish, for being honest by saying sucks a lot and making others uncomfortable. But this is the time to find self-love when the body is fighting with the disease. It’s a time to learn how to walk and balance and not to be self-conscious when you must go outside or work. The difficult part about MS is people are not being able to explain how they feel. This is the time of finding a community of people who let you know you are not alone because this disease can be overcome by fighting together.

Central Nervous System

central nerve system

It is a disease of the Central Nervous System, effects brain, spinal cords and the optic nerves of eyes. Due to Multiple Sclerosis, you may feel difficult to perform basic body functions, loss of body balance and poor vision. This disease can affect both men and women, young adults, and women more than men.

Vitamin D

There is some possible risk factor for developing Multiple Sclerosis such as Low Vitamin D, the habit of smoking and the effect of Epstein bar virus. In Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammation causes tissue damage called Lesions in brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. These Lesions present in the tissues called Plaques. When these plaques affect Myelin Sheath that protects nerves in the brain. The ability of nerves to send messages is affected.



Symptoms of MS depends on a plaque located in the brain and spinal cord. MS is associated with the variety of symptoms Like difficulty in walking, Numbness and Tingling in hands and feet, weakness in arms or legs poor
coordination, balance problem, difficulty in articulating words vision problems and bowel and bladder problems. Symptoms or attacks generally developed over several days and may last for a couple of weeks before slowly resolving or going into remission.

MS attack range from mild to severe. Overtime symptoms from attacks may not completely go away. Some people stop having attacks but may notice their symptoms become gradually worse. MS progresses over time however, if it is early diagnosed, it can better to reduce chances of disease progression.


Multiple Sclerosis

The physician may recommend a blood test, spinal tap (lumbar puncture) to check the abnormalities in antibodies and MRI. Drugs therapies for MS may treat symptoms, treat attacks, reduce the number of attacks, or make slow disease progression. Various Corticosteroids prescribed to reduce nerve inflammation and sometimes doctors may prefer plasma exchange if symptoms have not responded to steroids.

Multiple Sclerosis is rarely fatal but other complications may arise if it remains untreated. Such as Chest infection, swallowing difficulties, and bladder infection.

People Who are facing Multiple Sclerosis, they avoid public gathering as their self-esteem is affected. They may feel shy to face people because they lose their confidence. Don’t take Life for granted without facing MS because it effects differently. No one can defeat this disease alone, but a group of people and community support is required to overcome this disease.

How to deal with it?

normal nerve cell

People need to understand the effects of Multiple sclerosis and accept it as a challenge. To make a healthy relationship with people, you may follow some tips.

  • Don’t Underestimate yourself because you have Multiple sclerosis. It does not define your personality. Be close to Your family members and friends to talk about your illness. Spoke out what you feel about your health. So, they can figure out the effects, realize and accept it as a disease and Understand your mood.

  • Talk with your spouse about your illness because the personal relationship may affect this disease. With the help of their support and sharing love and bonding, symptoms may reduce, and You may have a peaceful lifestyle.

  • Don’t be too dependent on family members. Don’t disturb the privacy of family members because of your illness, give them space, appreciate their support and love and thank them for their efforts of being understanding Multiple Sclerosis.

  • If you feel fed up to attend the public gathering, it’s okay, you can stay home with some friends you like.

Risk Factor

  • Don’t be shy to have Multiple Sclerosis because this is not a disease to hide. Do Talk with people and make them understand the existence and effects of Multiple Sclerosis in life and with the help of them, you can get over the symptoms.

  • We can help those who are facing Multiple Sclerosis by supporting them, listening to them without Judging and being honest with them in providing facilities to them. Stress, Infections, lack of rest can worsen the effects of Multiple Sclerosis. It is a chronic disease and progresses with time. We must be flexible and understanding because the Effects of MS are unpredictable.

When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I was totally unprepared to deal with doctors, pharmacists, therapists and all the new medical terminology. After eight years, a ton of trial and error, I use the most basic lessons for me to conserve my energy.

When you are or if a loved has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, follow these simple tips for living a better life,

Make life easier tips

  • Stay active.
  • Ear more plants.
  • No processed food.
  • Now cow milks.
  • Limit red meat.
  • Lots of fresh fruits and veggies.

Once I did these simple 6 things, my life improved. Remember to stay positive. There are always options.

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