Move from your mistake

You are not your past mistakes

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Move from your mistake

We all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. But sometimes we can get so bogged down in our mistakes, and the negative feelings associated with them, that it feels like we’re never going to escape them. This can be especially true if our mistakes have resulted in serious consequences in our lives. But it’s important to remember that you are not your past problem. You are so much more than that.

You are not your past mistakes

Not your past mistake

Your past mistakes do not define you as a person. They do not determine your worth or value. Yes, they may have caused some pain and suffering, but that does not mean that you are a bad person. We all make mistakes, and we all have the ability to learn from them and move on.

Why it’s important to move on from your mistakes

Move from your mistake

It’s important to move on from your mistakes because they don’t define you as a person. Just because you made a mistake in the past doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s important to learn from them so that you don’t make the same ones again in the future.

It can be easy to dwell on your mistakes and beat yourself up over them, but it’s important to remember that everyone makes them. We all learn and grow from our mistakes, and we become better people as a result. So instead of dwelling on them, focus on the lessons you’ve learned and how you can use them to improve your life going forward.

How to move on from your mistakes

Forgive Yourself

There are a few things you can do to start moving on from your past mistakes:

Forgive yourself 

Forgive Yourself

This is probably the most important step in moving on from your past mistakes. Until you forgive yourself, you will continue to beat yourself up about what you did wrong. Give yourself some grace and compassion; cut yourself some slack. We all make mistakes so give yourself permission to do the same without feeling guilty or ashamed about it.

Learn from them

Learn from mistake

 Once you’ve forgiven yourself, it’s time to start learning from your mistake so that you don’t repeat them in the future. What went wrong and could you have done differently? What can you do next time you’re faced with a similar situation? By taking the time to reflect on your mistake, you can start to see them as valuable learning experiences instead of just negative events in your life.

Focus on the present moment

You are not your past mistake

 Once you’ve forgiven yourself and learned from your mistakes, it’s time to focus on the present moment and move forward with your life. Don’t dwell on what happened in the past; instead, focus on what’s happening right now. Live in the present moment as much as possible so that you can create a positive future for yourself and learned from mistake.


Remember that everyone makes mistakes–you are not alone in this! And also remember that YOU ARE NOT YOUR PAST MISTAKEES! You are so much more than that. Learn from your mistakes so that you don’t repeat them in the future, but then let them go and focus on living in the present moment.

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