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Understanding Why Men Pull Away: Insights for a Stronger Relationship

In the journey of love and partnership, there are moments when one partner may pull away, leaving the other feeling confused, hurt, and uncertain about the future of the relationship. If you’re experiencing this in your relationship, know that you’re not alone. Understanding why men pull away can provide clarity and insights that can help nurture a stronger and more fulfilling connection.

1.Communication Breakdown: One common reason why men pull away is a breakdown in communication. It’s essential to create an environment where both partners feel safe and comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Encourage open and honest communication to address any issues before they escalate.

2. Fear of Intimacy: Men may pull away when they feel overwhelmed by the emotional intensity of a relationship or fear getting too close. It’s crucial to give your partner space and time to process their feelings while reassuring them of your love and support.

3. Stress and Pressure: External stressors such as work, financial worries, or family responsibilities can also cause men to withdraw. Be understanding and empathetic towards your partner’s struggles, offering them support and encouragement during challenging times.

4. Need for Independence: Men, like women, value their independence and autonomy. They may pull away to regain a sense of self and pursue their interests or hobbies. Encourage and support your partner’s individuality while finding ways to maintain a healthy balance between togetherness and independence.

5. Unresolved Issues or Past Trauma: Past experiences and unresolved issues from previous relationships can affect how men show up in their current relationship. Encourage open dialogue and seek professional help if needed to address underlying issues and heal past wounds.


Why Men Pull Away

When he pulls away, don’t chase after him. He is coming back. He just needs to know you admire him. He needs to know that you value him and respect him when others don’t. Women are often unaware of the great power they have to bring out the best or worst in a man. We as women bring out the worst by complaining, criticizing  and disrespecting him. Men want to feel competent and needed. Remember God gave Adam Eve. A helpmate. As he knew Adam needed a helper. A man is aware of his gaps and shortcomings.



Always set your man up for success. Your man needs your encouragement and support. Understand we are hormonal beings. Our hormones determine our feelings in the distinctive brain of who we are attracted to, and what we see in another person.

A little secret is men know immediately if he’s attracted to you or not. Men don’t usually say she sounds great  hope she’s the one. That’s a woman type thing. Men are more focused on what they need in a whole person. Does she make sense? Will she elevate his life? Only if he gets what he needs will consider the commitment.

Men know that once women take it from boyfriend to husband, that pretty little lady owns him now. There’s a lot of responsibility and accountability that comes with it. You pretty much own his time. You own his Christmas holiday choices, you make his honey to do list”. In the dating realm, men are not good enough. If your hormones are  imbalanced, you don’t feel good enough. Hence, men pull away.

Stand together

couple happy mode

A Man wants to keep his lady safe because job is to provide security and stability. A man’s jobs is to provide security and stability. This coincidentally makes a husband  and wife a strong team. You each have strengths and weaknesses. Stand together, bring your resources and study your man. Be a helper in every sense of the word. The next time he pulls away, you now are mentally and emotionally mature enough to quietly support his decision and leave him the room and space to gather his thoughts.

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