how to homeschool

How to homeschool with confidence and Ease Follow- My 6 Low Stress Recommendations

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By MarshaShari

how to homeschool


The 21st century is, indeed a world of homeschool not only in the USA. but also the entire world is switching over to homeschool rapidly. Since homeschool with confidence and is deeply linked with the new technology of the world. Therefore, the parents, as well as the students, shall have to learn that being taught at home is an integral part of their education. Hence I’m about to begin this very article that is essential for the pervasive influence of the homeschool.

Homeschool has replaced the formal school education i.e. the practice of education literacy with liberty and confidence to achieve the following goals: 

  • It strives for academic perfection.
  • It is geared to the national and international needs.
  • Backed up (has a battery) with talented teachers.
  • Grooms the students to face life challenges successfully.
  • It is a house of stimulating/ inspiring ideas.

Now the question arises whether or not the homeschool with confidence is free from certain fear such as; confidence, comfortable, convenience, right choice, right direction, professional grooming, and so on……………. The parents have certain concerns about their kids’ homeschooling. Especially about the social & economic status of their child in the society. So, stay with us all the way along as the article would present you a very clear picture about choosing the homeschool for your child or otherwise.  

Therefore, you need to stay focused on the following 6 ways for homeschooling your child to avoid any betray:

Be Confident & Firm:

The first and the foremost way forward is the confidence and firm determination before your child joins the homeschool by asking certain questions to yourself like: am I going in the right direction?, Would the homeschooling polish my child’s learning skills to the desired extent?, Why not traditional schooling? etc. After having satisfied your own heart and mind, talk with your child into confidence and tell him/ her know the following: 

  • That  you have born to learn and progress
  • That the today’s way of learning is via homeschooling
  • That your freedom shall not be compromised at all
  • That you will get individual attention under close watch of your parents
  • That you are not losing the family relationship

Once you and your child are well prepared about joining homeschool, then stay confident regardless of the people’s whispering as you cannot please everyone simultaneously. Welcome the criticism upon your choice as the person has a pair of ears, so listen from one and release out of the other

Don’t Panic: 

Be confident and don’t get panic about the decision of a NEW GATEWAY. However, for personal satisfaction, you can meet certain people, groups, family and community who are already homeschooled and also join a homeschool group. Keep your child brainwashing about the salient features of homeschooling.  

Dispense Altercation Tactfully: 

Of course, people from your family and friends will criticize homeschooling from different angles. But, you have to listen to them patiently as their comments (even though shall not be based on the experience) about drowning your child’s future shall raise your blood pressure. Don’t be aggressive. Instead, ask them politely and tactfully whether she/she has been altercating on some personal reasons or just choose to simply ignore any negative feedback.

Enjoy & Remember Your Achievements

Homeschooling is no waste f time, but it is the richest source to get education quite compatible to the formal school education. As far as my experience is concerned, homeschooling is the only path that provides education literacy with liberty and confidence. Thus, keep the progress of your child sharing on different media from time to time especially on electronic media e.g. excellent marks in the test, confidence, academic grooming, social contacts & alike. To have a countercheck, you need to record all the events and progress chronologically. This will avoid your derailing. I’m 100% sure that homeschooling will prove more effective than that of the traditional.

Feel Confident & Ease: 

Once you have decided on the homeschool with confidence, feel confident & easy, and focus on the learning of your child. Don’t worry about the negative comments from your family & friend; rather think of the other side. You would hear strange comments from different people as per their opinion far away from reality. You may have heard that homeschooling is self-deception and spoiling the children’s future. But the fact is that they are nobody to pass such baseless remarks as the child is yours and no one can think well than you.  Hope you would not waste your time unnecessarily in convincing people that why you have chosen homeschooling and why not traditional schooling. However, a day will come when your family and friends will say that you had been right in your homeschool decision as it is the need of the day.


  • The sensitivity of Children: Children are more sensitive than the parents and they feel insecure and worried about the future. However, you should not act like a kid; you must have a mature approach by taking a bold step. 
  • Mother’s Confidence:  By nature, mothers lack confidence and can easily panic. They need to know that their child & his/ her future is pretty much safe and secure. Nothing is to worry about as homeschooling is the best choice being secure enough. Insecurity will again send the child back to homeschool with confidence to start the career from a clean slate. 
  • Target: You must have a vision or target which will be the yardstick to measure your child’s direction. Yes! No target – no success.  Thus, you should focus on the syllabus or curriculum offered at homeschool instead of running after different opinions by different people.  Always save a few tests throughout the year. Keep a portfolio of a few assignments from each subject. Set academic goals and stick to the same weekly schedule and routine throughout the year.
  • Children’s Confidence: Not only the parents but also the children need to have firm determination and homeschool with confidence in what their parents have decided for them. 

However, whatever the case may be we cannot compromise on our children’s education. According to John Dewey,

“Education is no preparation for life; education is life itselfâ€.

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