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Does Your Marriage Have a Vision?

Does Your Marriage Have a Vision?

Marriage is a journey shared between two individuals who commit to growing together through life’s joys, challenges, and changes. But how often do couples pause to ask, “Where is our marriage going?” Just like a business or

Telehealth: The Future of Healthcare

Telehealth: The Future of Healthcare

I wrote this article because I have multiple sclerosis which can cause limited mobility issues, transportation challenges and chronic illness. Telehealth is reshaping the future regardless of your location or circumstances;  With Telehealth, patients can consult with

The Benefits of Grounding Meditation

The Benefits of Grounding Meditation

Grounding meditation offers a myriad of benefits that extend beyond mere relaxation. By connecting with the Earth’s energy, you can experience: 1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Grounding techniques help calm the mind, reducing feelings of stress and


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