Winning Strategy-How to maintain purpose and stay connected in your healthy relationship.
Many of us want to be happy and in a meaningful healthy relationship but nowadays due to lack of communication and superficiality makes it difficult to maintain it. Sometimes initial bonding between the relationship is great but with time, people lose attraction to each other.
During the Pandemic of COVID-19 when partners spend more time with each other, it becomes necessary to understand each other. A harmonious marriage depends on the perspective that it is you and your spouse against the problems. NOT each other. When communicating hurt feelings always start off with ” I know you love me, and you probably never meant to hurt me but…’ this very simple technique changes the dynamic of the conflict from a negative blame game to a learning opportunity. It diffuses the need for your spouse to be defensive. This will aid in helping build trust and maintain a bonding of love and care for a long period of time.
What does it mean tomorrow have A healthy Relationship?
Everyone deserves to be happy and feel loved and connected to their partners. Many relationships are depending on who is involved. It may be a relationship with parents, siblings, relatives, friends, or life partners. Moreover, a healthy relationship depends on open communication, mutual respect, caring attitude, love for each other, respect other’s school of thoughts and privacy, and give them space to each other.
Is your partner is supportive and encourage you to try new things? Always listen to you when you have something in your mind? Do they understands your feelings, enjoy your company, keep in touch with you even you are away, love your presence, appreciate your qualities, accept your bad habit sand support to get rid of those habits. Never never criticise you constantly, make you feel special on occasions, respect all the things you love, give you confidence, never pull you down, never hurt you, appreciate you in front of others, never force you to do something you don’t like, then congratulations! You are in a healthy relationship.
A healthy relationship makes you feel good and cheer you up. Even though no relationship is perfect, but there are many ways we make an ideal relationship and maintain it healthy. It depends on mutual support but still maintains an identity as a person. A relationship becomes healthy when it is balanced. A healthy relationship is nurturing. Nurture means to care for and encourage growth or development.. You have the love and support of people or your partner and still, you are free to spend your life as per your choice. A balanced relationship must have trust, commitment, and vulnerability.
Difference between healthy and non-healthy relationship

When the relationship has physical abuse between them, humiliation, lack of honesty, inadequate communication, inequality and non-supportive behaviour dealing with arguments, fighting on small issues, these all are a sign of unhealthy or toxic relationship. Especially ,healthy relationships are made on three virtues that are communication, compromise and commitment. Respect for each other is the basic key of a happy and strong relationship. A prosperous relationship has to trust on each other, support, never control and dominate over each other, encourage growth, accept boundaries, accept others point of view, never try to change the perspective of partner and accept the person with all good and bad.
Sign of a Healthy Relationship
Monitor your relationship to find out the bonding between you and your spouse. There are many signs of a prosperous relationship. Some are described below.
Partners in a successful bond never close the door of communication in any case. They are comfortable in sharing their opinions about the experience of their life about success, failures, and everything. Never judge each other even if there is a different opinion. Listen and share their perspective and concern freely. They communicate openly and honestly.
Particularly, in a healthy relationship, spouses never keep secrets and trust each other. Both never hide their emotions. They feel comfortable sharing all the good and bad experiences. Importantly, they respect and encourage each other in getting achievement.
Furthermore, spouses trust each other and acknowledge that their companion never hurt physically or emotionally. They have faith in their spouse that make them strong even in a bad situation. Trust never developed in a day or two, but it develops and matures day by day when the partner adores the company of each other.
Being in a relationship does not mean to spend all the time with each other. Giving space to each other to spend some time with their friends or family or pursue their hobbies and career make a relationship fresh and allow growing as an individual.
People in a successful relationship understand and value the life objectives of each other. They make common goals, struggle together to achieve their goals and support and energise each other.
Mutual Respect
A Healthy relation always respects each other, because accepting differences of opinions, giving the benefit of the doubt. And treat each other with love care, kindness and admire the efforts of their relations. They allowed maintaining their identity while being in a relationship. They encourage and stimulate each other to be successful in achieving their objectives.
For a good companionship Love, tenderness, empathy support, respect and encouragement are so vital. There is no place for negligence, jealousy, judging and criticising and hurting emotions.Tips for strong Marriage
A profitable marriage requires falling in love many times with the same individual. This is not possible without having a powerful connection. There are a few tips to strengthen your marriage.
Spend Quality Time
The spouse needs to spend quality time with each other to make their relationship strong and long-lasting. Plan outdoor activities regularly because by spending more time with each other help you to understand behaviour and make you understand how to compromise the faults in behaviour.
Ignore Little Conflicts
Every human is born with a different school of thoughts. Especially, accept the difference of opinion, giving space to each other, giving freedom of speech and respect others point of view can minimise conflicts. Because sometimes, small conflicts are the reason to break up.
Respect Each other
Negative Criticism and pulling down each other can damage a married life. Always respect your spouse like the way you want to be respected. To Strengthen your bond, never be short-tempered, avoid to be judgemental and follow the rule of forget and forgive quickly.
Explore Common interest
Especially, for a strong marriage, it is necessary to explore common interest. It either reading habit, cooking or dine out, playing games together or Exploring new places. The goal is to enjoy the company of your loved ones.
Forgive Quickly
Without a doubt no one is perfect. Try to make a habit of forgetting and forgive each other when you are feeling upset or hurt due to the behaviour of your partner. Never feel ashamed to say sorry as well.
Improve Communication Skills
Particularly ,never make a gap in communication because silence makes the situation worst if partners having some sort of problems between them. Speak your heart out and allow your partner to share feelings as well.
Use Magical Words
Undoubtedly ,these magical words are Love You, I Miss you, You are my lifeline, and can’t imagine my life without You. Etc. Often use these magical words to make feel your partner special. Small present on a special occasion can also enhance love and affection.
Particularly, these are great tips for a lasting healthy relationship. Exercise consistency dedication and don’t give up on each other.
To recap, 13 signs of a healthy relationship
- Communication
- Trust
- Freedom
- Understanding
- Mutual respect
- Fall in love again and again
- Spend quality time
- Ignore little conflict
- Respect each other
- Explore common interest
- Use magical words
- Improve communication skills
- Forgive quickly
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