11 Practical Ways to Bring Joy Into Your Marriage

11 Practical Ways to Bring Joy Into Your Marriage

Great marriages are intentionally created.

Whatever picture you have in your mind’s eye, you will not arrive there accidentally

Great marriages are created with great intentionality.

Intentionality means we do certain things on purpose with a desired outcome in mind.

Maintaining a joyful and thriving marriage takes effort, love, and intention. 

Here are 11 practical ways you can bring joy back into your marriage and keep the connection between you and your partner strong.

1. Prioritize Quality Time

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life, but making time to be with your spouse is essential. Schedule regular date nights, weekend getaways, or simple walks together. These moments create a space for reconnection and shared joy.

2. Express Gratitude Daily

2. Express Gratitude Daily

Show appreciation for the little things your partner does. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making your spouse feel valued and loved. Gratitude fosters positive energy in your marriage.

3. Laugh Together

Laughter truly is the best medicine, even in relationships. Watch a funny movie, share inside jokes, or recall a hilarious memory together. Joy thrives in an environment where both partners can laugh and be playful.

4. Be Present

When spending time with your partner, put away distractions like your phone or work-related thoughts. Fully engaging in conversations and activities shows your spouse that they are your priority.

5. Create Traditions

Establishing fun and meaningful traditions, like cooking dinner together on Sundays or celebrating small victories with a toast, builds a sense of togetherness and anticipation for happy moments.

6. Surprise Your Partner

Surprise Your Partner

Whether it’s leaving a sweet note in their bag, planning a surprise date, or doing something special “just because,” these small surprises remind your spouse that they are loved and appreciated.

7. Work on Emotional Intimacy

Deepening emotional intimacy leads to a stronger bond. Take time to check in with each other about feelings, thoughts, and dreams. Sharing vulnerabilities brings you closer.

8. Compliment Each Other

A genuine compliment can lift your spouse’s mood and increase their confidence. Whether it’s their appearance or the way they handled a situation, positive affirmations keep the energy joyful.

9. Do Small Acts of Kindness

It’s the little things that often make the biggest difference. Make their favorite meal, take on a chore they dislike, or offer a comforting hug after a long day. These acts show that you’re tuned into their needs.

10. Stay Curious

Ask about your partner’s day, new interests, or goals. Staying curious about each other helps prevent the relationship from becoming stagnant. Keep learning about one another to nurture growth.

11. Practice Forgiveness

Joy cannot thrive where resentment lingers. Be willing to forgive quickly and let go of minor disagreements. This allows your relationship to heal and grow stronger.


Bringing joy into your marriage doesn’t require grand gestures, but rather consistent, meaningful actions. By implementing these 11 practical tips, you can cultivate a relationship filled with happiness, love, and connection.

To Recap, here are 11 ways to bring joy into your marriage 

1 Prioritize quality time

2 Express gratitude daily 

3 Laugh together 

4 Be present 

5 Create traditions 

6 Surprise your partner 

7 Work on emotional intimacy 

8 Compliment each other 

9 Do small acts of kindness 

10 Stay curious 

11 Practice forgiveness

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